Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lawyer: Photo error led Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, sentenced to death, to receive 99 lashings

Lawyer: Photo error led Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, sentenced to death, to receive 99 lashings

I wanted to share some thoughts. My children and I have been praying for this woman and family since hearing of her devastating turn of events leading to an entire family's torture for years. Please continue to follow this story, write to whomever and publicize it. Her lawyer had to flee the country for his own safety.
That same afternoon his wife and another relative for arrested and taken to the same prison as the client he represented. It was said the relatives would be kept until he returned for his tyranny conviction.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Iran Stoning Woman’s Lawyer Flees to Norway, Fading Hope for Her - Jim Sciutto: From the Front Lines

Iran Stoning Woman’s Lawyer Flees to Norway, Fading Hope for Her - Jim Sciutto: From the Front Lines

I posted a comment as "mumof5." Can we just read about this, pray helplessly and allow this to happen to this woman, her children and now, her attorney, his family and all surrounding this system?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Kids First Scavenger Hunt at The Henry Ford

Safe to say they're at a Wright Brother's exhibition:)

I wanted to share some thoughts.

Tim's family has traditions.  There are a lot of relatives who have children.  Those children have children and most stay in touch no matter where one of the relative lives.  From Alaska to Michigan to other parts of the United States, his family keeps in touch.  I am an outsider that has been welcomed with open arms.  I'm glad they have so many arms because this outsider is a full package complete with four children.

I'm not made to feel like I'm not one of them.  I am not really an outsider.  From the first time I met Tim's mom and her husband, Bob, my children and I were made to feel as if we'd been part of this great, fun-loving family all along.  Tim's mother, Sue, has a large number of brothers and sisters.  They had kids and its these cousins who've entered several walks of life.  The people of this family are diverse, bright, fun and very, very interesting. I can truly say that if I met any of them on the street or in a restaurant, a conversation would come up that would make the meeting memorable.

Their family traditions, full of get-togethers and story telling, go on year after year.  My children have met children younger and older.  They have now become part of some of the past events and are looking forward to the next, planned events--the traditions that they haven't just heard about now, but that they've become part of.  The older boys were allowed to attend the "No Skirts" ice fishing trip last January.  It was an honor for young men to bond as men.  They were able to stare at an ice hole, a circle cut with a machine that only men are traditionally allowed to use.  My eight and ten year old young men were given the opportunity to hear of fishing trips of the past.  They felt special to be part of a bigger picture, part of Tim's family history.  They had become part of a tradition.

Last night there was a one hour special on gangs.  I could not stop thinking of what it was these young and old people felt they were getting by allowing themselves to beat people to death; to be "beaten in" and finally feel as if they "belonged."  All the rules, by-laws, codes called "norms" and things that young boys, girls, teens and adults die for daily in the name of a brotherhood they feel they've found in these gangs.  It's the respect that they suddenly feel that hadn't come to them in their life before.  Respect, graves, permanent injuries, court rooms, jail cells, prison terms and broken parents' hearts--gangs, routine, rules--their family.

I'd rather take what we're being inducted with from Tim's family.  We're getting a sense of being part of something with lore, stories of past rules broken, traditions kept and what part a particular ancestor played.  That's what I'm happy to be part of and so blessed that my children are now part of too.  We're part of the Snyder gang and things are good.

Andrea Pfeifer (Hackett)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Alexandra Hackett

These are my Glamour Girls! K Wertz and my Lexie Lou. Today, July 25th, is Alexandra's 7th birthday. It seems like yesterday that I heard my sister say, "It's a girl," and was still in shock when I then heard "Five pounds, 12 ounces." I said, "What?" and then said, "What?" Both facts had just shocked the bajeebers out of me. He was going to be named Alexander and no way was that thing making me feel so huge, only five pounds and 12 ounces at birth. I asked if they had really looked at the crotch closely, causing others to laugh, but I was serious. I'd had 2 boys and my brother was on his 3rd son. Lexie's dad is one of three boys, so the odds were pretty stacked that "Alexander was indeed, Alexander and not Alexandra!"

Seven years later I can tell you that this beautiful little girl, is indeed, a girl. She is my only daughter. Lexie was not to be the 'last child' her father and I had. Stephen followed her a couple years later. He was a joyous surprise as well..

Happy Birthday my only 'girlie,' and know, that I am so glad that day at 4:32 p.m., that the people in the birthing room were right and that Alexander was indeed, an Alexandra:)

Andrea Pfeifer

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter

Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter

Got a new one for you---This was a happy day last year. My oldest nephew, Clinton, got married to a beautiful bride and wonderful niece-in-law.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Homework help, writing help, study skills, conversion calculator, periodic calculator, math help — Infoplease.com

Homework help, writing help, study skills, conversion calculator, periodic calculator, math help — Infoplease.com

Got a new one for you---I think if you click that link above, you'll see the great page I want you to. It's about all kinds of sites you and the kids can go visit for help with learning or to learn. It's designed for all ages through Encarta and microsoft. I love passing on things that has anything to do with kids and making learning fun:) andrea

Monday, June 28, 2010

Stephen's First trip to Plymouth Orchards with Mom and Tim, October 2009

Got a new one for you---Stephen's Fun Day at Plymouth Orchards, fall 2009. His preschool class will go there next year too. AP